
  1. 公开发表的的DNS数据;

  2. 通过其他软件计算后的数据;


本DNS原始数据以及下方的图片来自Johns Hopkins Turbulence Databases。算例为槽道流,原始几何为\(8 \pi \times 2\times 3\pi\),三个方向各采用\(2048 \times 512 \times 1536\)个网格点,共16亿个网格。


求解方法使用的为伪谱方法。采用周期性网格,压力梯度给定为\(0.0025\)。摩擦速度\(u_\tau=0.0499\)。粘度为\(5\times 10^{-5}\)。摩擦雷诺数大约为1000。


摩擦速度计算公式:\({u_\tau } = \sqrt {\frac{{{\tau _w}}}{\rho }} {\rm{ = }}\sqrt {\nu \frac{{\partial u}}{{\partial y}}}\)。 摩擦雷诺数:\(Re_\tau=\frac{u_\tau\delta}{\nu}\)\(\delta\)是管道半径。本算例管道半径为1。\(y^+\)的计算公式为:\(y^+=\frac{u_\tau y}{\nu}\)\(u^+\)的计算公式为:\(u^+=\frac{u}{u_\tau}\)\(p^+\)的计算公式为\(p^+=\frac{p}{u_\tau^2}\)




  • k_resolved.orig表示DNS计算的湍流动能;

  • U.orig表示DNS计算的速度;

  • p.orig表示DNS计算的压力;

  • UPrime2Mean.orig表示DNS计算的解析的雷诺应力;




Research in data-driven Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) necessitates the use of datasets, which can either be obtained from experiments or derived from Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). This article presents DNS simulation datasets for various geometries, where the data has been converted into native OpenFOAM format. These datasets can be visualized using ParaView or processed using OpenFOAM’s post-processing tools. They are designed as native OpenFOAM DNS test cases, facilitating the training of data-driven models for researchers. The primary sources of these datasets include:

  1. Publicly published DNS data.

  2. Data computed using other software.

Channel Flow

The original DNS data and the image below are sourced from Johns Hopkins Turbulence Databases. The case is channel flow with an original geometry of \(8 \pi \times 2\times 3\pi\), employing \(2048 \times 512 \times 1536\) grid points in each direction, totaling 1.6 billion grid points.


The solver method used is the pseudospectral method with periodic grids. The pressure gradient is set to 0.0025. The friction velocity \(u_\tau=0.0499\). The viscosity is \(5\times 10^{-5}\). The friction Reynolds number is approximately 1000.

After converting the case into OpenFOAM format, it can also be used for OpenFOAM computations. Testing has shown that the velocity results from OpenFOAM computations using boundaryFoam and invoking low Reynolds number turbulence models closely match the DNS velocity results:


You can download the original OpenFOAM case here. In folder “0”:

  • k_resolved.orig represents DNS-calculated turbulent kinetic energy.

  • U.orig represents DNS-calculated velocity.

  • p.orig represents DNS-calculated pressure.

  • UPrime2Mean.orig represents DNS-calculated resolved Reynolds stress.

The above fields can be displayed using ParaView.


The case can also be directly solved using boundaryFoam for finite volume method computations. Note that boundaryFoam assumes a 1D hypothesis and employs RANS turbulence models, thus providing only modeled Reynolds stresses.